Auto Click Privacy Policy

Auto Click is a digital marketing platform (“” or “Platform”) that facilitates transactions involving vehicles and other automobile-related services among users (“Users”) i.e. Buyers and Sellers (the “Parties”). This document (“Policy”) serves to inform and disclose how collects and utilizes User data. The platform is owned by Team Romain (Pvt) Ltd, a company incorporated in Sri Lanka bearing company registration number [*] (“Owner”). User information will be processed in accordance with the legislation of Sri Lanka. This Policy applies universally to all Users accessing the Platform, without exceptions or limitations. Unless explicitly stated, all data within the Platform is the property of the Owner.

This Policy was updated on 20.10.2023. Updates will be made as needed. Users are advised to review the Policy whenever accessing the digital platform for the latest information.


Important Notice

This Platform’s content is contributed by various service providers, incl. Individual Users, Business Users and Third Parties. Consequently, the accuracy, quality and arrangement of the content may occasionally vary. Users must be 18 years or older, or under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian, to access By registering with, Users acknowledge this requirement for participation in E-Auctions, Bidding on Auctioned Vehicles, Making Offers on Vehicles for sale, leasing, renting and other related activities.

Users confirm their legal capacity and understanding before engaging in any listed Services, Purchases, Leases, Rentals, etc. and bear full liability for their actions, including content Publication and Transactions with other Users i.e. Individual Users, Businesses Entities or Service Providers. All Users unequivocally agree to the specified Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. External business links or banners displayed on this Platform are not directly or indirectly associated with and any transactions or services related to vehicles or other offerings are the entirely responsibility of the respective Users, Businesses or Service Providers.

Regarding the mentioned Terms & Conditions, neither the Owner nor can be held liable for legal disputes between Users, incl. Buyers, Sellers and Service Providers, involving Transactions, Payments or any other matters. Users acknowledge that they may incur losses, data exposure and damages, absolving the Owner and of responsibility.

The Platform facilitates vehicle transfers and related services among Users. Acquired data are entirely used to Enhance the Platform and User experience, with strict conformity to data protection laws to prevent misuse or unauthorized disclosure. The maintains a supervisory role in managing User information and data, ensuring a robust privacy policy is in place.

How Data is Acquired

The type of data collected depends on User types, i.e. Individual Users and Business Users, as well as how Users engage with the Platform. Users hold accountability for the information they provide and the responsible use of falls entirely under their purview.

The engages in data collection for various purposes, tailored to its purpose such as:

Data Collected


How Data is Collected

Name & Email

Create an Account under the Users Name.

User Registers.


Promote Platform’s Services

Contact the Users regarding their Ads, Usage, etc.

Provide Daily Blog feeds to the Users who have Opt-in.

From the Users.

Google Account ID

Create an Account under the Users Google ID.

When Users register using Google Service.

Mobile & Land Phone Numbers

Employs communication methods to facilitate interactions between Potential Buyers, Sellers and Service Providers. This includes addressing inquiries, resolving issues related to published advertisements and other necessary troubleshooting.

Publishing Adverts.

Using the Contact Us service.


The will utilize watermarks to prevent unauthorized use or misuse of images.

Publishing Adverts.


To locate the Vehicle Adverts and Services offered

Publishing Adverts. Utilizing the Wanted Service, etc.

Browser Information

For Marketing purposes. To obtain Analytic s from a specific subject Browsers.

Accessing this Platform.

Personal information e.g. NIC, Zip code, Country, etc.

Discard possible Fraudulent Bidders.

Registering for Bidding.

Financial Details

To verify the User Payments.

When receiving Payments from the Users.

User ID and Ad ID

To locate the User regarding his / her Advert

Verify Transactions.

Creating Accounts or Publishing Ads


It is important to acknowledge that does not intentionally gather information such as addresses or vehicle number plate details, etc.. These data can only be accumulated only if Users voluntarily provide them in the description section of their ads or if such details are visible in the ad images.

For Business Profiles, might potentially collect data as outlined below.


Data Collected


How Data is Collected

Company Name

Verify the Entities identification

Through the User.

Business Address

N.I.C of the person in charge

Identify the Assignee of the Entity.

Business Registration

Verify the Authenticity of

the Entity

Business Registration No



Reason for Assembling Data

The data collected by is exclusively intended for legitimate purposes. The Platform operates with the utmost integrity, utilizing User data to establish an efficient and secure digital environment that promotes effective transactions and enhances user experiences for Individual Users and Business Uses within

Outlined below are the reasons for acquiring User data:

·         Delivery of services

·         Promote secure trading and policy enforcement

·         Personalize content delivery and recommendation

·         Development and optimization of services

·         Distribution of User notifications i.e. Ad Status, Suggestions, Promotions, Newsletter, Updates on Blogs, etc. through various channels such as Emails, SMS, Social Media and Messaging Apps e.g. WhatsApp, Imo, etc.

·         Assembling of internal analytical reports to improve User Experience, Related Services, and Membership Offerings. Additionally, to promote this platform to the automobile sector, to actively participate in and promote its Products and Services.

·         To comply with legal mandates, court orders and governmental regulations, etc.

·         Safeguarding Assets, Resources, Operations and Network

·         Prevention and response to potential threats to the rights or the safety of Users, including fraud, unauthorized access and inappropriate conduct

·         Upholding of lawful authority to manage, defend against disputes and protect rights or interests, even in ongoing legal conflicts with external parties

Please note that reserves the right to monitor activities on the Platform and the data gathered therein for Continuous Improvement, Customer Service Improvement, Detect, Prevent, Mitigate and Investigate possible Fraudulent or Illegal activities enabling it to promote an enhanced digital environment for all its Users. It should be recognized that while strives to maintain a genuine and high-quality digital Platform, the monitoring of 100% of its content is impractical.

Please visit Section – Your Rights, which outlines the options we offer and the rights you have concerning your personal data.


Data Disclosed

Please be advised that certain information provided by Users and Business Entities when creating advertisements can be visible to any individual navigating this Platform. This includes details shared in the Public Domain, such as Reviews, Ad Content, i.e. Images, Videos, Ad Details, etc. Some of this information may be stored on servers. It should be unequivocally emphasized that will not share or publish any accumulated personal data. However, there are specific situations in which we may disclose User information to third parties:

·         The Owner may be compelled to disclose the User's information to meet Legal Obligations by Law Enforcement agencies, Courts in the event of any possible legal disputes between the Users, Business entities and Legal Disputes in general

·         In the event of a transfer of ownership & the assets of the Owner are sold & acquired by a Third Party.

·         Affiliated entities associated with the Owner may receive User Information to Support and Enhance operations, including Research, Marketing, Product Improvement and Strategic Planning.

·         Engaging with external businesses listed on might involve the gathering of User data. Users are encouraged to review and understand the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies of these businesses before use.

·         Users' utilization of may be disclosed to associates in social media, advertising and analytics. These associates may combine this information with other data from the User or their interactions with the associates' services.